According to TechFlow, Manta Network co-founder Victor Ji posted a message on the X platform, hoping that the core members of the Polkadot team can publicly express whether there is unfair or even discriminatory behavior against Asian developers, especially Chinese developers. He pointed out that many projects in the Polkadot Chinese community, such as Bifrost, Phala Network, DIN (formerly Web3Go), and MXC Foundation, have also expressed dissatisfaction with Polkadot's discrimination and false democracy.

Kaito AI data shows that although Bifrost’s on-chain activity is significantly higher than KILT Protocol, the official X account mentions Kilt much more frequently than Bifrost. Victor Ji emphasized that Manta Network also encountered unfair treatment when applying for financial incentives. He called on the Polkadot team to publicly respond to and address these issues to eliminate toxic voices and discriminatory environments in the Web3 space.