According to BlockBeats, Pendle, a prominent player in the DeFi yield market, has seen a significant decrease in its total value locked (TVL). As of June 28, the TVL in Pendle has dropped to $39.64 billion, marking a 37.6% decline over the past week. This information is based on data provided by DeFiLlama, a reliable source for DeFi statistics.

The sharp drop in Pendle's TVL indicates a shift in investor sentiment and could potentially impact the overall performance of the DeFi yield market. However, it's important to note that fluctuations in TVL are common in the DeFi space, and this decline could be a temporary setback for Pendle.

The DeFi yield market has been a hotbed of activity in recent years, with numerous platforms vying for dominance. Pendle's recent performance will be closely watched by investors and market analysts alike, as it could signal broader trends in the DeFi sector.