According to Odaily, the Algorand Foundation has established a Humanitarian Payment Committee. The committee's primary objective is to facilitate the use of blockchain payments for United Nations agencies and non-governmental organizations. This initiative aims to ensure secure, transparent, and traceable delivery of aid funds.

In addition to this, the committee will also develop a roadmap for cash programs in disaster-stricken areas based on blockchain technology. The current members of the committee include Circle, Worldpay Global, Mercy Corps Ventures, UN Development, and HesabPay.

The establishment of this committee by the Algorand Foundation signifies a significant step towards leveraging blockchain technology for humanitarian aid. By ensuring secure and traceable payments, the committee aims to enhance the efficiency and transparency of aid distribution, particularly in disaster-stricken areas. The inclusion of prominent organizations like Circle, Worldpay Global, and UN Development further strengthens the committee's potential to make a significant impact in this field.