According to Odaily, OpenAI has revised its policy regarding the sale of secondary market stocks, allowing both current and former employees to participate equally in its annual tender offers. In documents shared with stakeholders, OpenAI stated that all current and former employees 'will have the same sales restrictions' and will be able to participate simultaneously.

Previously, the company had restrictive measures in place, with the company deciding who could participate in stock sales. This led to concerns among many shareholders about whether they could achieve liquidity for their holdings worth millions of dollars. The new policy aims to address these concerns by providing equal opportunities for all employees, regardless of their current employment status with the company.

This move by OpenAI is seen as a significant step towards ensuring fairness and transparency in its stock sales process. It is expected to alleviate the worries of shareholders and potentially attract more employees to the company by offering them an equal opportunity to benefit from the company's success.