According to Odaily, the European Union (EU) has raised concerns that the Apple App Store may be in violation of digital market regulations. The EU has launched a new investigation into the fees charged by the App Store, scrutinizing the contractual requirements imposed on app developers.

The EU's move comes amid growing scrutiny of tech giants and their potential anti-competitive practices. The investigation will focus on whether the App Store's fee structure and contractual obligations are in line with EU digital market regulations.

This is not the first time that Apple has come under scrutiny for its App Store practices. The tech giant has previously faced criticism and legal challenges over its App Store policies, particularly around its fee structure and the alleged preferential treatment of certain apps.

The outcome of this investigation could have significant implications for Apple and other tech giants operating in the EU. If found to be in violation of EU regulations, Apple could face hefty fines and be required to make changes to its App Store policies.

The investigation is ongoing, and no further details have been released at this time.