According to Odaily Planet Daily, on June 21, Chongqing Business Media Group Co., Ltd., the defendant in the defamation case involving Sun Yuchen, the founder of TRON, officially issued an apology statement to Sun Yuchen. The statement stated that the company failed to fulfill its review and verification obligations in its 2022 reports, published false content about Sun Yuchen, and damaged Sun Yuchen's reputation. The media company solemnly apologized for its infringement of Sun Yuchen's reputation rights and promised to strengthen review in future reports to ensure that the articles are accurate and credible.

The case originated from the fact that on March 11, 2022, the defendant Chongqing Business Media Group published a video and article suspected of defamation on its "Business" account on Dongfang Fortune Network, claiming that Sun Yuchen "laundered money", "evaded legal sanctions", and "was investigated by the IRS, FBI, etc." Sun Yuchen then sued him in court. After trial, the People's Court of Yubei District, Chongqing City made a first-instance judgment at the beginning of this year, determining that the defendant had failed to fulfill its verification obligation in the report and violated the plaintiff Sun Yuchen's right to reputation. The judgment required the defendant to delete the false report and publicly apologize to Sun Yuchen in a nationally published newspaper. It is reported that after the first instance, neither the plaintiff nor the defendant filed an appeal within the prescribed time limit.