According to Odaily, PayPal has appointed Srini Venkatesan, a former tech executive at Walmart, as its new Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Venkatesan will be responsible for overseeing the technology aspects of PayPal, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, information security, and product engineering.

Venkatesan's appointment is seen as a strategic move by PayPal to advance its development in the field of artificial intelligence. The former Walmart tech executive brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the role, which will be instrumental in driving PayPal's technology strategy forward.

This move is part of PayPal's broader strategy to strengthen its position in the digital payments industry by leveraging advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. The company believes that these technologies can help improve its services and provide a better experience for its users.

Venkatesan's role will be crucial in achieving this goal. His experience and expertise in the field of technology will be invaluable in helping PayPal navigate the rapidly evolving digital landscape and stay ahead of the competition.