According to Odaily, Parcl, a real estate trading platform on the Solana network, has reported a breakthrough in its total transaction volume, exceeding $2 billion. The announcement was made on the X platform by SolanaFloor, highlighting the significant milestone achieved by the blockchain-based real estate platform.

Parcl's success underscores the growing trend of integrating blockchain technology into the real estate sector. The platform's achievement of surpassing the $2 billion mark in transactions signifies the increasing acceptance and use of blockchain technology in real estate transactions. This milestone also indicates the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize the real estate industry by providing a more secure, transparent, and efficient method of conducting transactions.

The Solana network, known for its high-speed and low-cost transactions, has been instrumental in Parcl's success. The network's scalability and efficiency have made it an ideal choice for platforms like Parcl that require high transaction volumes. The success of Parcl on the Solana network could potentially encourage more real estate platforms to adopt blockchain technology, further driving the growth and development of the blockchain real estate sector.