According to Foresight News, DIA, a prediction machine, has announced its collaboration with the Ethereum Foundation, IPFS, Gelato, and Cloudflare to join the 'Entropy Alliance'. This alliance aims to assist teams in building DApps using a truly distributed and tamper-proof random number generation (RNG) solution.

The Entropy Alliance is a significant step towards creating a more secure and reliable platform for DApp development. By joining this alliance, DIA and its partners are committing to the use of RNG solutions that are both distributed and resistant to tampering. This will ensure the integrity and reliability of the DApps they develop.

The inclusion of DIA in the Entropy Alliance is a testament to the organization's commitment to advancing the field of DApp development. By working alongside the Ethereum Foundation, IPFS, Gelato, and Cloudflare, DIA is positioning itself at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field.