According to Odaily, BounceBit has officially announced a collaboration with Free Tech. The partnership aims to enhance the BounceBit ecosystem by supporting fast and secure cross-chain transactions of BBTC and BBUSD. Users can now directly exchange BBTC and BBUSD to BounceBit Chain.

The collaboration is expected to significantly improve the functionality and user experience of the BounceBit ecosystem. By enabling quick and secure cross-chain transactions, users can enjoy a more seamless and efficient trading experience. This move is seen as a strategic step by BounceBit to expand its user base and strengthen its position in the market.

The partnership with Free Tech is expected to bring about significant benefits for both parties. For BounceBit, it will enhance its ecosystem and provide its users with more options for transactions. For Free Tech, it will gain exposure to BounceBit's user base, potentially expanding its own customer base and market reach. The collaboration is a win-win situation for both BounceBit and Free Tech, and it is expected to bring about positive changes in the market.