● German Telecom T-Mobile plans to develop Bitcoin mining business

According to BlockBeats, on June 15, T-Mobile (German Telecom) announced that it plans to start developing a Bitcoin mining business and expand its ongoing crypto activities. Dirk Röder, head of Web3 infrastructure and solutions at Deutsche Telekom, spoke at BTC Prague and said: "We have been running Bitcoin nodes since 2023, and we are also running Bitcoin lightning nodes. I want to tell you a little secret, we will soon be doing digital currency photosynthesis (mining activities)."

● The longest block time in the history of the Bitcoin network is 2 hours and 19 minutes

According to Odaily Planet Daily, community observations found that the longest block time in the history of the Bitcoin network was 2 hours and 19 minutes. This event occurred between block heights 689300 and 689301, from 18:27 to 20:46 on July 1, 2021.

● Bloomberg analysts predict that by 2035, global ETF assets may reach US$35 trillion

According to Odaily Planet Daily, Bloomberg analyst Eric Balchunas predicts that by 2035, the global assets of ETFs may reach 35 trillion US dollars, three times the current 13 trillion US dollars. This forecast is based on a compound annual growth rate of 10%, 17% in the past decade and 25% ten years ago. The low cost, intraday liquidity, tax efficiency and flexibility of ETFs will continue to attract cash and trading volume from investors and traders, leading to more new products, innovative designs and more sales staff. Structural changes overseas are beneficial to ETFs in the long run, and the MF stock class in the United States will add another tributary to cash inflows. At the same time, tokenization may also contribute to the development of ETFs.

● US Bitcoin spot ETF had a cumulative net outflow of US$580.6 million this week

According to BlockBeats, on June 15, Farside Investors data showed that the U.S. Bitcoin spot ETF had a cumulative net outflow of $580.6 million this week. Among them, GBTC had a net outflow of $274 million, while BlackRock IBIT had a net inflow of $41.6 million.

● The market value of tokenized U.S. Treasury bonds exceeds $1.5 billion, with BlackRock BUIDL Fund as the main driving force

According to BlockBeats, the market value of tokenized U.S. Treasuries has grown significantly this year and now exceeds $1.5 billion. Since the beginning of April, tokenized RWAs (including Treasuries, bonds, and cash equivalents) have grown by 35%. During the same period, the total locked value of Ondo Finance, one of the leading RWA-focused DeFi protocols, increased from $221 million in April to $507 million.

Leading the gains was BlackRock’s BUIDL (BlackRock USD Institutional Digital Liquidity Fund), which has increased 65% since the beginning of the quarter, pushing the total market value of tokenized Treasuries to over $1.5 billion. Franklin Templeton’s FOBXX (Franklin On-Chain U.S. Government Money Fund) also increased by nearly 27%.

● Ethereum Layer2 total locked value fell to $44.3 billion, a 7-day drop of 5.71%

According to BlockBeats, on June 15, according to L2BEAT data, the current Ethereum Layer2 total locked volume (TVL) fell to US$44.3 billion, a 7-day drop of 5.71%. Among the top 10 L2s, only Scroll TVL rose, now reporting US$714 million, a weekly increase of 5.25%.