According to Odaily Planet Daily, QCP Capital said in its latest market analysis that the unexpectedly higher-than-expected non-farm data and the rise in unemployment were enough to trigger risk aversion before the release of US inflation data and FOMC next Wednesday. In addition, Roaring Kitty's live broadcast attracted nearly a million viewers, and GME's stock price plummeted during this period. Altcoins and Meme coins fell simultaneously, with a market value of more than $40 billion evaporated.

There are bullish flows in this decline, including aggressive put option sellers and call spread buyers, especially BTC. QCP Capital believes that this decline is a good opportunity to buy on the dip, as the market will increasingly price in at least one rate cut from the Fed from now on. As other countries around the world continue to cut interest rates, it will be difficult for the United States to ignore this.