According to Foresight News, at 04:15:29 Beijing time on May 13, the L3 chain Degen Chain crashed and stopped producing blocks for more than 24 hours, which attracted the attention of the community. Degen Chain is an ultra-low-cost L3 chain launched by Syndicate, a DAO infrastructure service provider. According to Will Paper, co-founder of Syndicate, the block number affected by this crash is 15043908, and the time is approximately 17:15:45 Beijing time on May 11. At present, the Degen node is resynchronizing from the genesis block, and it is expected to be completed at 21:00 Beijing time tonight.

The outage was caused by a custom configuration change, which caused Degen Chain to reorganize 500,000 blocks. The L3 block reorganization issue triggered community discussions, including why block reorganization occurred, how to solve the reorganization problem, and how to ensure the honesty of the custodian sorter. Regarding the specific circumstances of the custom configuration change, the community looks forward to Conduit's post-analysis.