According to Odaily Planet Daily, the NFT market data for April released by TheBlockPro showed that NFT transaction volume fell 40.5% to US$480 million, affected by the decline in trading volume on major platforms such as CryptoPunks, Blur and OpenSea. Although the market share has dropped slightly from 65.7% to 63.3%, Blur still maintains its leading position as the dominant player in the NFT market. The number of NFT traders fell from 263,000 to 224,000, a decrease of 14.9%. OpenSea performed better than its competitors, with the number of traders falling only 5.1% and its market share rising to 55.1%. NFT market royalties fell by more than 50% to US$3.6 million, and the effective royalty rate (ERR) of most platforms also fell, indicating a broader downturn in NFT transactions and resistance to paying royalties in the bear market.