According to BlockBeats, Sui's daily transaction count exceeded Solana, sparking widespread discussion. Sui's co-founder and CPO Adeniyi clarified that these were independent transactions, emphasizing the authenticity of the data. The reason for the surge in Sui chain transactions was Juzy, the developer of Spam. Spam is a PoW project on a PoS chain similar to Ore on Solana. Users earn tokens by continuously sending transactions. The more transactions sent, the more tokens they get. Gas fees are the only cost of obtaining tokens. The total amount of SPAM tokens is 100 billion, and 1 billion are mined every day for a total of 100 days. The daily inflation rate of tokens is gradually decreasing. After the news that the number of daily transactions exceeded Solana, the subsequent actions seem to have become "joint marketing" between Sui and the project party.