According to TechFlow, the developer platform Shinami is bringing its complete product suite to the Aptos network, starting with the Gas Station in the Aptos ecosystem. Shinami will provide developers with the necessary tools to build applications on Aptos at a faster pace, with better user experience and less overhead. Shinami has also partnered with the Aptos Foundation to launch a gas points program to set standards for the user experience of the Aptos network.

Shinami’s Gas Station has facilitated over 50 million sponsored transactions, making it the most used Gas Station in all of Web3. Now, Shinami is bringing its Gas Station product to Aptos, including an easy-to-use API and a dashboard for tracking sponsored activity. Gas credits will be used to sponsor transactions made by end users through Shinami’s Gas Station, and 25 Aptos-based teams will be selected for exclusive access to Shinami’s Gas Station and credits up to 1,000 APT. Selection will take place on May 31, 2024.

“We are excited to work with Aptos to accelerate the future of Web3,” said Nikhil Chari, CEO and co-founder of Shinami. Shinami will continue to prioritize Aptos’ products and services, and this strategic decision highlights Shinami’s commitment to Aptos and its vibrant ecosystem, ensuring that Aptos developers have access to the best tools and resources to build applications.