According to Blockworks, the new ordinal set, Motoko Sentinels, has seen an increase in trading volume after its launch on the Bioniq Marketplace, despite a significant drop in trading volume following Bitcoin’s halving. Despite the fact that the total number of ordinals decreased by more than 58% the day after Bitcoin’s halving due to high network fees, the Motoko Sentinel set saw a 20% increase in trading volume. Kyle Langham, DFINITY’s director of data and analytics, told Blockworks that this is because the Bioniq marketplace runs on the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP). This network has a native integration with Bitcoin, which can keep transaction costs low regardless of the Bitcoin chain’s fee environment. Bioniq co-founder and CEO Bob Bodily noted that by building on ICP, the marketplace can offer users faster transactions at lower costs. Despite these advantages, Blockworks’ initial testing on the Bioniq platform encountered some technical difficulties, including errors in the transaction and registration process, which were eventually resolved. These challenges highlighted areas where the user experience may need improvement. Currently, there are three Motoko Sentinels in mind. The volume of the set is 3.75 and the reserve price is 0.002 (about $127).