Terraform Labs co-founder Do Kwon's legal troubles have entered a new phase, with his fate now hanging in the hands of the Minister of Justice, U.Today reports. According to local news outlets, the Montenegrin High Court has approved Kwon's extradition for a second time. However, the local Supreme Court overturned the ruling, sending the case back to the High Court for reassessment. As a result, the extradition process must start all over again. The final decision now rests with Montenegro's Minister of Justice, Andrej Milovic, who will decide whether Kwon will be extradited to the United States or South Korea. Kwon and his lawyers have three days from receiving the High Court's translated ruling to appeal. It is unclear whether Kwon will choose to appeal. However, there is speculation that he could be extradited to the United States, as Minister Milovic has expressed a preference for that.