According to Wu, Kairos Research studied LRTs and found that among the five largest LRTs, ezETH, weETH, reETH, rswETH, and pufETH, there are more than $136 million in ready-to-use liquidity pools on Curve, Balancer, and Uniswap. Except for EtherFi, none of the other major LRTs have withdrawals enabled. The most liquid LRTs: ezETH and weETH trade relatively stably, most of the time at par with their fair value. KelpDAO rsETH was at a discount to fair value when it was launched, but has slowly returned to parity. rswETH was slightly below fair value most of the time, but has also recently reached parity. pufETH is the main anomaly, still trading below fair value, but is also gradually approaching the fair value of its underlying assets.