According to Foresight News, during the 2024 Hong Kong Web3 Carnival, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin delivered a keynote speech titled "Reaching the Limits of Protocol Design" at the "Web3 Scholar Summit 2024" hosted by DRK Lab. He said that although protocols based on advanced cryptography such as ZK-SNARKs, MPC, FHE (fully homomorphic encryption) and BLS aggregation are developing rapidly, they also have efficiency and security issues. Among them, efficiency issues can be solved by parallelization and aggregation trees, improving efficiency (using SNARK algorithms and hashing), and ASICs; ZK-SNARKs circuit vulnerability issues can be solved by security committees and multi-provers, and in the future they can be solved by AI formal verification. He emphasized that we need protocols that can reach the limits of cryptography while optimizing efficiency and improving security.