According to BLOCKBEATS, at the end of March, Sartoshi, the founder of the well-known NFT project Mfers, issued the meme coin mfercoin on Base, bringing new vitality to the Mfer community and the entire NFT community. Base's NFT performance is outstanding, and the newly launched NFT is actively traded on Opensea, with the highest price rising to nearly 0.9ETH. Both Base and Zora are closely linked to the Farcaster protocol. Since its front-end application warpcast launched the Frame function, mint NFT has become one of the most practical functions. Jesse asked on social media who is developing NFT trading tools on Base, showing that the NFT hotspot on Base is rising. In addition, a new meme coin issuance channel has been born on Warpcast, and the crowdfunding platform Party has launched a new feature Token Launcher, where participants can jointly invest in ETH to create a new coin and programmatically ensure that everyone can share fairly.