According to Odaily Planet Daily, the digital euro bill is "unlikely" to be ready before the European elections in June. Members of the European Parliament have stalled in developing a legal framework for the digital euro, essentially shelving the controversial project indefinitely. The new European Parliament will decide after the June elections whether to develop the bill from scratch or make it a lower priority.
Stefan Berger, a German lawmaker who is in charge of the digital euro negotiations, said: “One or a few wallets, holding limits, transaction history and many other issues have not been resolved. It is unlikely that the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee will reach a strong compromise before the end of its term.”
The European Parliament is also responsible for leading negotiations on EU crypto asset market regulation, and economic committee members are expected to vote on the legislative text early next week. People familiar with the matter said lawmakers are in a stalemate, with little progress made in the negotiations and disagreements even on the basics of potential uses.