According to U.Today, Shiba Inu is a cryptocurrency that has seen strong market performance recently, but now, some important signals are showing red, which may mean that the price of SHIB will fall. First, there was a 0.52% drop in "net network growth," a number that tells us whether more people are joining to use SHIB or if they're leaving. At the moment, fewer and fewer people seem to be interested, and the network is mainly seeing outflows. Secondly, the "in funds" number is -0.64%, which indicates that investors are losing money holding SHIB, which makes it less attractive as a long-term investment. Another key red flag is the "Large Transactions" indicator, which shows a sharp decline of 11.69%. Large transactions often represent whale activity, and a decline may indicate declining interest from these important players. The fifth indicator is the imbalance between buy and sell orders, with sell orders taking up more market share. This overexpansion of sales orders could put downward pressure on SHIB’s price, leading to a bearish outlook. SHIB is currently trading at approximately $0.00002773.