BOSS Wallet data source, Worldcoin real-time price trend, the latest price of WLD today reached $1.796, with a decline of -3.02%, and a trading volume of $286 million.

Through the analysis of the candlestick chart, it is currently in a consolidation trend. Compared to 18:00, there has been a significant increase, a recovery compared to 12:00, and a decline compared to 14:00. Trading volume is rising, and prices are increasing simultaneously. The Williams indicator shows that the current market status is neither overbought nor oversold.

Recently, trading volume has increased, with volume rising compared to the previous few hours, and both price and volume are increasing: trading is active, with strong upward momentum.

Analysis: Market volatility, upward trend facing resistance. Suggestion: Pay attention to market dynamics, consider stop-loss or taking profits.

The above content is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice.