Solana Co-Founder Proposes Solana as Layer 2 Solution for Ethereum

Solana co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko proposed Solana as a layer 2 solution for Ethereum. He sees Solana as a layer 2 of Ethereum through the Wormhole EigenLayer, improving interoperability between blockchains.

This proposal is based on the concept of "danksharding", a promising scalability solution for Ethereum.

The idea is that Solana can seamlessly integrate with Ethereum, allowing Solana blocks to be subjected to a data validation bridge contract on the Ethereum network. This integration would not only improve interoperability between the two major blockchains but also redefine the traditional boundaries of layer 2 solutions.

Additionally, $SOL surpassed $ETH in perpetual futures trading volume, cementing its position as a significant force in the cryptocurrency market.