The main developments of $OP Optimism in November 2023 are:

1. Optimism activated the Canyon network upgrade on the test network (OP Goerli, OP Sepolia, Base Goerli, Base Sepolia, PGN Sepolia, Zora Sepolia) on November 15th. The upgrade includes Shanghai and Capella hard fork support and some minor vulnerabilities. repair.

2. The Paradigm open source team, OP Labs and Base team cooperated to achieve the merger of OP Stack client OP Reth, so that the high-performance Ethereum node Reth can be used in OP Stack without modification.

3. Optimism opens the third round of retroactive public product fundraising voting, and will allocate 30 million OP. Voting closed in December and results will be announced on January 11.

4. Optimism launched the 5-week on-chain art competition We ❤️ The Art on November 8. The total prize pool is 1 million OP, and submissions have closed on December 4.

5. Decentralized blockchain infrastructure provider Ankr partners with Optimism to launch Rollup as a service.

6. Lattice launched Redstone, an Alt-DA chain built on OP Stack, and joined Optimism Collective as a core developer.

7. The EVM gateway launched by ENS is already available on OP Goerli and will be launched on OP Mainnet soon.

8. Web3 cross-chain infrastructure provider Swan launched the Swan Chain test network on Optimi OP Stack.

9. Launch the developer mainnet based on the Layer2 network Mode built on OP Stack.

10. Optimism initiated a proposal in the ApeCoin forum, proposing that ApeCoin DAO use Superchain to build ApeChain.

11. Wombat Exchange, a cross-chain stablecoin decentralized exchange, launches Optimism.