The price prediction of XRP if it completely replaces the SWIFT global money transfer system depends on several key factors including:
1. Size of the global financial market:
The SWIFT system handles hundreds of trillions of dollars in transfers annually. If XRP captures a significant portion of these transfers, it will have a significant impact on demand for it and therefore its price.
2. Amount of XRP available:
The total supply of XRP is fixed at 100 billion coins, which means that increased demand will cause the price to rise significantly if the supply does not increase.
3. The impact of regulations and laws:
XRP’s success in becoming an alternative to SWIFT depends on acceptance by regulators around the world, a crucial factor that could directly impact its price.
4. Institutional accreditation:
If major banks and institutions adopt XRP as a means of transferring funds instead of SWIFT, this will increase its adoption and lead to a rise in the price.
Approximate forecast:
If XRP becomes the primary currency for $5 trillion in daily transfers (the daily average of the SWIFT system), and the current supply remains constant:
The price may reach $100-500 per XRP depending on the order volume.
If XRP is used on a larger scale (personal and corporate transfers), prices could reach $1,000 or more.
Xrp to the moon 🚀🚀🚀🔥🔥
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