Russia is attempting to sell 1,023 Bitcoins $BTC seized worth more than $10 million from former Russian Investigative Committee investigator Marat Tambiev. TASS, the Russian state news agency, reports that bailiffs have begun transferring the funds to the Russian Treasury for liquidation.
Investigations revealed that Tambiev used his position to divert the police investigation. He accepted a bribe of 1,032 BTC to hide the Bitcoins stolen by the Infraud hacker group, but unfortunately the illegal attempt was thwarted by the Russian government.
The former investigator also split the Bitcoin into smaller amounts, requiring authorities to file multiple court requests to access and sell all the coins.
For that, Tambiev was sentenced to 16 years in prison and fined $5.2 million. In addition to Bitcoin, Tambiev's assets, including real estate and motorcycles, are also being reviewed for liquidation.