Recently, tech giant Elon Musk made some thought-provoking statements on his highly active social platform X. He clearly stated, "In the current complex and ever-changing economic environment, if the key issue of dollar inflation can be effectively addressed, then, under the condition that all other factors remain constant, a noteworthy economic phenomenon will emerge: the dollar price needed to purchase cryptocurrencies will actually show a downward trend. The core point behind this is the ratio relationship between the dollar and cryptocurrencies. This change in ratio profoundly affects the market price trend of cryptocurrencies when priced in dollars."
Immediately following, Musk spoke in a rather guiding tone: "Therefore, if you are still hesitating whether to venture into the cryptocurrency field, now is indeed an excellent time to reevaluate and reconsider the assets in your wallet that have been hoped to be the 'currency of the future'. After all, no one can know for sure how many keen investors will quietly enter the market like silent hunters, once inflation is declared over, to seize those advantageous positions."
Additionally, Musk specifically mentioned that for a vast number of investors, they can cleverly utilize their spare funds to invest in the primary market featuring his personal theme, the little golden dog Marvin. This little golden dog Marvin is not simple; it is Musk's pet dog that he has raised for many years and is now ten years old. Moreover, every Christmas, this special holiday, Musk brings Marvin to the highly publicized platform of Twitter, which has already become a unique tradition. From these details, it is not difficult to see that the little golden dog Marvin carries not only Musk's personal emotional attachment but also, to a certain extent, possesses unique topicality and market potential, making its future development trend worthy of close attention from a broad range of investors.