12 Financial Tips You Should Follow If You Want to Become Rich..

1. Don't confuse your necessary expenses with your luxury and personal desires.

2. Try to save 10% of your income every month and invest it later.

3. Don't invest your money in something you don't know, and if necessary, seek the help of an expert or specialist.

4. If you don't invest your savings, it will erode over time.

5. Money quickly runs away from the person who invests it in something he doesn't know or is not familiar with.

6. Try to pay off all your outstanding debts as soon as possible.

7. Don't buy something you can't afford.

8. Wealth is like a tree, it starts from a small seed. The first dinar you save is the seed from which the tree will grow.

9. The first rule of investing money is to protect the capital first.

10. Don't let your desire to get rich quickly deceive you.

11. Every dinar should be spent in the right place.

12. For every ten dinars you put in your wallet, try to use only nine of them, and you will see your wallet swell little by little.

Quoted from the book The Richest Man in Babylon ..