Looking back at the small range of oscillation and downward movement over the weekend, it fell from a high of 99900 to a low of 93000, moving 6000 points in 1 hour. BTC has not broken the support of 93-92, which has been maintained since the drop from 108000, a support that has lasted nearly half a month, stabilizing the major support at 92. However, it is still on a downward oscillating route and has not shown any signs of change before the market resolution. The key is that the 3 small dips in 1 hour need to be combined with the closure of the 4-12 hour range to produce the last dip to continue upward. If it can produce 5 dips in 1 hour, there’s no need to think, just enter the market and at least secure a profit of 5000 dollars! The market before the New Year should still be relatively weak, waiting for the monthly, quarterly, and yearly closures!
In the image below, you can see there has been a CME gap in the range of 938-958, so the weekend was also about filling this gap. If, according to the above, the 5th dip in 1 hour can deeply penetrate to around 90,000, then there will be a chance for a rebound to fill the gap at the highs of 102-103!
Therefore, from a comprehensive perspective, BTC is unlikely to see a significant rise before the monthly, quarterly, and yearly closures. The real rise should start on the 3rd to 5th!
Ethereum's current trend is still quite good. It was mentioned before that Ethereum dropped 25 points in 3 days, which is quite a significant drop. As long as the bull market hasn't ended, the overall upward situation may not necessarily reach a depth of 2800. If it really gets there, will it go to 2600? Here's a question mark. If we set these issues aside, choosing to enter at 3200, supplementing at 3000, and going all in below 3000 makes sense!
Ethereum did not drop below 3300 over the weekend. This trend is quite similar to the movement at the end of March and the beginning of April. This is not entirely a case of carving a boat to seek a sword; at least the price conservation law of each bull market is that it dropped from 4000 to 3000, so a pullback to 3000 will definitely see a good rebound. If we follow the Bollinger Bands method, the middle band would need to go to around 3550 again. A real pullback must break the high point of 3550 and produce a 3660 to ensure the channel of the box is compressed and the bottom is adjusted to the new direction. Any significant rise or fall requires a close needle, with the upper closure at 3550-3660 and the lower at 3200-3080!
Operational suggestion: The above content, the strategy needs to focus on short positions at the mentioned high points and long positions at the low points. Spot traders can also play a few rounds of high selling and low buying within this range! Completing 3 rounds would yield 1000 dollars. Holding Ethereum for profit is not very high because of severe market adjustments!
Will the 25-year bull market conservation be broken?
No; the logic remains that the policy peak has not yet appeared, major indicators have not yet peaked, and market sentiment has not yet peaked! Therefore, the experience of stocking up before the year and selling after the year will not be wrong. Let's wait and see together~~~~~