《Volume-Price Ratio and Volume-Price Relationship》

Volume refers to trading volume, while price refers to coin price. A decrease in volume is called contraction, while an increase in volume is called expansion. The volume-price ratio is the state of the ratio between coin price and the corresponding trading volume observed and analyzed through multiple instances of contraction and expansion, so as to obtain hints about future market trends moving upward or downward.

For beginners in cryptocurrency trading, the first step should be to learn the volume-price relationship, rather than candlestick charts, golden crosses, death crosses, etc. Only what is backed by real money is substantial; if there is price without volume, market manipulators can create various candlestick charts, easily trapping people. Not understanding the volume-price relationship renders any technical trading tips useless, no matter how much you learn. It is better to make informed trades based on the essence of volume-price, rather than relying on luck and following trends.