Qin H, professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong: Under unrestrained power, people are sometimes "left" and sometimes "right", relying on power, first robbing in the name of "left", and then dividing the spoils in the name of "right". In the name of "socialism", the private interests of ordinary people are turned into "public", and in the name of "market economy", the "public" is turned into the private interests of the powerful. The "state-owned sector" has become the "pump of primitive accumulation" in the "left-right cycle", using unrestrained power as a powerful motor to pump the private property of ordinary people into the national treasury on one end, and pump the things in the national treasury into the private pockets of the powerful on the other end. This is much more "efficient" than the rich annexing the poor through "private-to-private" exchanges in the market under "capitalism". Netizen comment: But in the name of "public", the powerful are in danger and their future is uncertain, and the high-risk groups