stop living on $100 and start earning $30,000 or more, without sacrificing your studies?

If you constantly don’t have enough money to go to a cafe with friends, buy good clothes, or rent your own apartment and stop depending on your parents - read this post, it will save you several years 👌🏻

It will take you just a few minutes, which can change your life. I would really like to learn this information in my first year.

Many guys during university think that they need to start working so that they have enough money NOT ONLY for food..

The first thing that comes to mind is to go work as a waiter/bartender, administrator or courier.

I know this feeling very well, because I was a student myself (graduated from NSU).

During university, I worked as a bartender, and as an administrator in a network of quests, and even as a security guard in a bar in Novosibirsk, it took a lot of time, and there was still not enough money for anything.

I dreamed that someday I would open my own business and make money, but, unfortunately, this did not lead to anything beyond talk.

As a result, I lost 3 years on a mediocre part-time job, but there was still not enough money.


Surely, you have repeatedly heard this phrase from your parents, teachers at school, and professors at the university. Ask yourself a question - do you want to live like them, will such a model of life be happy for you?

Personally, I was very much pressured by the prospect that after graduating from university I would still not have enough money, and in the 3rd year I completely realized that I didn’t want to go to work in my specialty, I didn’t want to go to work just because I HAD TO.

To enroll is a MUST, to finish is a MUST, to work your whole life from 9:00 to 18:00 is a MUST.

Not immediately, over time, I realized that this was NEEDED not for me, but for society. To my surroundings, relatives, acquaintances, BUT NOT TO ME.

Those around you, in principle, will always try to magnetize you to themselves, because they will be afraid that you will be able to do more than them.

That something will work out for you, because they are sure that it won’t work out for them, which means it shouldn’t work out for you either.

You will be told what is “best for you”, but no one except you can really know what is truly “BEST” for you.


I propose to look into the foreseeable future and imagine how your life will develop after graduating from university.

Immediately after university, you will have a choice: stay working on temporary part-time jobs or still find a job in your specialty.

If everything is clear with a part-time job, then with work in your specialty everything is a little more complicated: you will start looking for a job, if the situation is good, you will be offered internships, the earnings from which will hardly cover the rent, after 3 months you will be hired full-time and you will start receiving a little more.

In 3 years you can become an employee of the month/year/decade and in a very good situation your salary can reach HUNDREDS (not for everyone). You can already think about a mortgage, about buying an inexpensive right-hand drive car on credit. Okay, what's next?

By the way, companies are more happy to hire employees who have children and/or a mortgage, because they understand that the person will not leave them so easily.

And then, after 5, or maybe 10 years, you hit your salary ceiling, burn out and finally stop hoping that anything else can be changed. Moreover, taking into account technological progress, a robot can easily replace you.


Imagine your future Monday: you arrive at the office or factory, see tired and aged colleagues just like you, do a bunch of routine work, wait until 6:00 pm to finally get out, stand in traffic for an hour and find yourself at home in your family. sq.m., for which you will have to pay the mortgage for another 15 years.

In a few hours you need to go to bed, because Tuesday will begin and you will be on the road again to your “favorite” job.

Then Wednesday, Thursday.. And hurray, Friday! You can meet with friends, discuss your “favorite” boss, return home and on Saturday morning, with a square head, realize that you have one more free day to return to the endless work cycle, which continues first for years, and then for decades.

Every day you will have to get up at 7 am, go to work because you HAVE TO, spend 9 hours a day 5 days a week because you HAVE TO, give half of your salary to the mortgage because you HAVE TO, give 80% of your life to the corporation. Why? Yes, because it is NECESSARY and that’s all.

Now ask yourself a question - do you really NEED this? Is this the kind of life you dreamed of when you went to university?


I personally know dozens of people who managed to take their lives into their own hands because they wanted it, strived for it, and developed. Such people will not come to you with advice on how to live, because they have neither the desire nor the time for this. As a rule, these people are calm, positive and purposeful.

I also know hundreds of people who didn’t succeed, but they always know everything better than others, they condemn and deny success, they are an anchor for themselves and their loved ones, and most likely they will try to break and anchor you too.

One of the main goals of such people is to find someone to blame for their problems (be it the authorities, more successful colleagues who are “lucky”, or anyone, the main thing is that they are not).

They will never succeed because they will never allow themselves to do so. These are haters (from English hate - hatred).

In my circle, such people, unfortunately, were the majority, and I’m sure you also encountered haters.


Fortunately, there is a way out of this situation and system. REALLY.

On the Internet you can find tens of thousands of vacancies, hundreds of online professions and chances that you can take YOUR LIFE INTO YOUR HANDS. I want to introduce you to one of these professions.

To begin with, I’ll tell you very briefly about myself.

My name is Ayat Siyam





