Artificial intelligence (AI) creators need to stop researching powerful systems. An open letter with such an appeal appeared on the website of the Future of Life organization on March 28. It was signed by the head of Tesla, SpaceX and Twitter, Elon Musk, Pinterest co-founder Evan Sharp, and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.

The authors of the text ask the questions: “Should we allow machines to flood our news channels with propaganda? Should we automate all jobs? Should we develop non-human minds that could eventually outnumber, outwit, render us unnecessary, and replace us? Should we risk losing control of our civilization?

We call on all artificial intelligence research labs to immediately stop training systems more powerful than GPT-4 for at least six months. This pause must be public and valid. If such a suspension cannot be made quickly, state governments should intervene and introduce a moratorium,” the text of the letter emphasizes.

Industry experts say training should stop until common safety protocols are in place. At the same time, compliance with the break should be monitored by independent experts, the letter noted. The signatories of the document include more than 1,000 people - these are specialists and managers of companies associated with this industry.

At the beginning of February, ChatGPT became the fastest growing service in history. The service was used by about 100 million active monthly users. This figure was achieved just two months after the launch of the site. In January 2023, the number of unique chatbot users reached 13 million, which is twice as many as in December 2022. For comparison: TikTok took nine months to do this#ИлонМаск #ИИ #нейросеть