BTC Current Market Pattern Deep Analysis: The Correction is Still in Progress

The correction structure that started from 1123 for BTC is still ongoing.

Although the current price performance shows a significant rebound, it can actually only be seen as a corrective action within the 99k to 91k range.

To assert that the correction has ended at this moment would indeed be premature.

From a time dimension perspective, it has not yet reached a sufficient duration;

From a magnitude level analysis, it also does not meet the corresponding depth requirements.

Even though we are currently in a strong bull market, it is important to understand that once a correction starts, its intensity should not be underestimated, although the subsequent upward speed is likely to be quite rapid.

Moreover, it is very likely that when the correction is truly confirmed to have ended, the price will have already risen to higher points, as a larger trend force plays a dominant role behind the scenes.

Given that this correction's estimated level is not expected to be too large, and its duration will not be too long, it is currently appropriate to maintain the existing position.

However, it should be remembered that all predictive content is for reference only; the actual market trend is the ultimate determining basis, and trading decisions should still be closely aligned with real-time market dynamics for flexible adjustments.

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