As #BinanceBlockchainWeek approaches, the price of Binance-related tokens has surged over the past month.

$BNB 📈 18%.

$TWT 📈 77%.

$CAKE 📈 95%.

$XVS 📈 43%.

$APX 📈 178%.

What are these tokens?

Who is buying these tokens?

Trust Wallet() is a mobile cryptocurrency wallet that was acquired by #Binance in 2018.

The price of $TWT surges as #Binance Web3 wallet is about to launch.

PancakeSwap() is a decentralized exchange built on #BSC.

The 24-hour trading volume on #PancakeSwap is $455.17m and the TVL is $1.484B.

Venus() is a DeFi on #BSC to enable digital asset lending and generation of synthetic stablecoins backed by a basket of various BEP-20 assets.

The TVL on #Venus is $633.49m.

ApolloX() is the foremost decentralized exchange for crypto derivatives on BNB Chain.

And was funded by Binance Labs in its seed round.

Who is buying these tokens?

0x8945 withdrew 1M $TWT($1.63M) when the price was $1.22.

0x966c spent 869 $BNB($222K) to buy 3.76M $APX at $0.06.