In a bull market, it is essential to allocate to BETA currencies. If operations are detailed enough, can we maneuver between BETA currencies? What is BETA? BTC/ETH/SOL/BNB can all be considered, as their price increases are stable enough and corrections are not too severe.
My cost for BTC is 55,000, and major BETA currencies often have overlapping rally cycles rather than being completely synchronized. Now, Bitcoin is stagnant at the threshold of 100,000, and if BNB makes a 5% increase, there is an opportunity for a separate market trend to emerge. For such currencies, you can confidently hold large positions, as the logic of mindless investment based on fixed strategies is particularly effective. Losing money in a bull market is much easier than in a bear market; reasonable position allocation and a closed-loop investment logic can ensure a stable mindset, thus avoiding impulsive actions.