Transfer USDT to your Funding Wallet and then exchange it for other cryptocurrencies on Binance đ
To transfer USDT (Tether) to your Funding Wallet and then exchange it for other cryptocurrencies on Binance, you can follow these steps. đ 1. Transfer USDT to Funding Wallet Log in to your Binance account.Go to your Wallet: Click on "Wallet" at the top-right corner of the homepage.Select âSpot Walletâ (if USDT is in your spot wallet).Click on âTransferâ: You will see a pop-up screen.Select âFromâ as Spot Wallet and âToâ as Funding Wallet.Select USDT: Choose Tether (USDT) from the list of available assets.Enter the amount: Decide how much USDT you want to transfer.Click âConfirmâ: Once confirmed, the USDT will be moved to your Funding Wallet. 2. Trade Spot with USDT Now, to trade USDT for other cryptocurrencies: Go to the Binance homepage.Click on "Trade" in the navigation bar, and choose either Basic or Advanced for the trading interface.Select the trading pair: In the search bar, type the pair you want to trade, like "USDT/BTC" to exchange USDT for Bitcoin, or "USDT/ETH" to trade USDT for Ethereum.Place an Order: Limit Order: Set the price at which you want to buy/sell.Market Order: Buy/sell at the current market price.Enter the amount you wish to trade and click Buy or Sell depending on your transaction. 3. Transfer USDT to Other Wallets (Optional) If you want to move your USDT to another wallet (like your external wallet), you can follow a similar process: Go to your Wallet on Binance.Select "Spot Wallet", then click Withdraw.Select USDT.Enter the withdrawal address of your external wallet.Confirm the withdrawal. By following these steps, you can move funds between wallets and exchange USDT for other cryptocurrencies on Binance. Let me know if you need any more details!