At the 2 o'clock interest rate hike meeting last night, it was announced that there would be no interest rate hike in November. Affected by this good news, the cryptocurrency market surged. Bitcoin has finally emerged from the multi-day triangle convergence pattern at the daily line level, with the direction chosen to be upward. Then, with the support of the dual resonance of news and technical aspects, it will be easier to operate. You can follow the trend and be bullish. If there is a callback, just operate and be bullish. The current daily level MACD golden cross is diverging upward again, and the KDJ three-line golden cross is diverging upward. The overall operation of the indicators is mainly bullish. The support level is near 35,000 and the pressure level is near 36,000.

Ethereum was also stimulated by the good news to reach a new high, and also got out of the previous shock pattern, with a fierce bullish trend. The current daily level MACD golden cross continues to open and diverge upward, and the KDJ three lines have once again gone out of the trend of the golden cross diverging upward after converging and bonding. The K-line shape currently continues to attack upward along the daily level MA5 moving average. Overall, it is bullish. In the offensive form, the operation is mainly based on the idea of ​​​​callback and continuing to be bullish. The support level is near 1830 and the pressure level is near 1900. Continue to be bullish if it does not break 1815