The popularity of the blockchain market has been increasing recently, and the expectations are getting closer. Maybe many people will doubt whether the big pie cycle is still there. I will not make any predictions. I just want to tell everyone that this is an emotion + expectations. + Market of supply and demand. Compared with the traditional market, it is more transparent, more bold and innovative, and at the same time has greater risks. But the premise of all this is that the market cycle still exists and expectations remain stable. If expectations are exceeded, the market will collapse. So either believe that the expectations will always be there, or don’t continue reading if you don’t.

The bull market of the blockchain is the bull market of the big pie, and there are still a hundred days until the halving cycle. Let’s take a look at the recent AI trend momentum chart (TEP-Relevance). Figure 1 shows the trend momentum indicator before the start of the last cycle, and Figure 2 shows the trend momentum chart before this cycle. It can be clearly understood that under the triple influence of emotion + expectation + demand, the market will inevitably come if the cycle is still there. If it is gone, it will be a disaster for everyone in the currency circle. Friendly reminder: The current average cost of pie mining is about 20,000 dollars, and it will double after halving. If the cycle is still there this time, no matter what happens, the bottom will be 4w. #BTC