The pie will fall back to between 28500-31500!

In fact, the upward trend of the bull market has started unknowingly at more than 15,000 hours. Then the overall trend will be upward, until the Bitcoin ETF enters a big upward trend after passing, and then the United States starts to cut interest rates to increase liquidity, and the bull market will reach The highest point.

The entire market will move in this direction, but the process is difficult and will still be affected by various factors. There will continue to be several major corrections, and the last correction this year will occur in November.

I personally predict that the correction range of the market will be between 28,500 and 31,500, and the correction range of other altcoins will be larger. I'd better say one more wordy thing, stock up on bullets, patiently wait for the opportunity, and seize it! $BTC $ETH $ARB