It's not spiritual, it's an investment. Just smile and be cheerful, it will come naturally. $

This is the secret of people who are always cheerful and happy in life instead of 'I'm sad and don't understand why I'm sad'

Passive people are controlled by emotions, circumstances, conditions and living environment. People who are masters of themselves are guided by a value system - values ​​that are thoughtfully thought out, selected and absorbed into themselves.

The term "Self-boss" is quite common in management literature, but is not easily found in most dictionaries. It is more than just "initiating something". It means that as humans, we take responsibility for our lives. Our behavior is determined by us, not by our life circumstances. We know how to put our own life values ​​above our emotions. We take initiative and take responsibility for making things happen.

Look at the word "responsibility", this word is formed from the phrase "response ability", let's say more specifically the ability to choose how to react to a situation. Only people with high "mastery" realize this responsibility. They do not blame circumstances, living conditions or factors that influence their behavior. Their behavior is the product of conscious choices based on values ​​rather than the product of emotional living conditions.