Where is the crypto market headed?

A few months ago, when Bitcoin was at $60,000 and everyone was dreaming of $100,000 Bitcoin, I warned many times that with such high transaction fees, the market was not looking optimistic and we could see a significant correction and it was important to have a stop loss.

Then I said to invest in memecoin and... it went as I predicted.

The established altcoins fell by 80% or more while memecoin was the only one that made a profit and many of them made an unbelievable 10,000% profit.

Everyone who followed my advice survived this decline very successfully and also had the opportunity to make more money with memecoin than with the established altcoins. Unfortunately, however, many people did not follow my advice and then complained about memecoin making so much money too fast. This bull run really made people irrational.

In the last 2 months of bear market, we have been going back and forth in this $30,000-$42,500 channel.

The next resistance we have to break is $36,829.

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