October 19, Good morning, brothers, have a happy Saturday! ✅️ Yesterday's market review The market is expected to fluctuate upward, and Bitcoin is still strong. It touched the high point of 69,000 in the early morning and then stepped back to enter the consolidation stage. Bitcoin opened at 67,421 yesterday, with a maximum of 69,000 and a minimum of 67,192, with an intraday amplitude of 2.68%. Bitcoin opened at 2,605 yesterday, with a maximum of 2,675 and a minimum of 2,596, with an intraday amplitude of 3.04%. The intraday fluctuations of BTC and ETH are around 3 points. It can be seen from the disk data that 67,000 and 2,600 are strong support levels for Bitcoin and Bitcoin. ✅️Today's market analysis

As of now, the price of Bitcoin is around 68,400 and that of Bitcoin is around 2,640. This is a period of retracement after a surge. The market continues to fluctuate upward. In the current market, the pressure on Bitcoin is greater as it goes up, but it is testing the pressure range step by step. It touched 69,000 last night. The next big pressure test is 70,000. Brother Yu firmly believes that it will break a new high, of course, this is only for Bitcoin.

Ether is relatively weak, still staying at a price of around 2,600. Compared with the previous round of market, when Bitcoin was at this position, Ethereum should be around 3,300-3,500. If the Shanzhai market wants to rise, Bitcoin must break a new high, and Ethereum will be linked to it. Otherwise, the current Shanzhai market may still be dominated by Meme coins!

The pressure level of the big cake is 69000-70000-70800

The support level is 68000-67400-66500

The pressure level of the second cake is 2680-2750-2900

The support level is 2600-2520-2450

The trend must be buying on dips

✅️ Spot sector

Dogecoin has been very strong in the past two days, as Brother Yu mentioned before, and with Musk's post, it has risen by more than 40% from around 0.1.

You can pay attention to Babydoge and Memecoin series year-on-year.

Today, the entire chain oil sector is rising. The Bnx that was promoted two days ago just received spot at 0.6, and you can continue to hold it!

The general rise of the cottage needs to wait for the real strengthening of Ethereum. Just hold what you have now, and don't move the others!

Today's 🦄Sniper Team🦄 code

Chain Oil Concept Mbox0.15u nearby