Good afternoon, brothers, Monday, October 21! ✅️Yesterday's market analysis ETH finally rose yesterday, breaking through and stabilizing at 2700, and Bitcoin also fluctuated at 69000. Yesterday, Bitcoin opened at 68377, with a maximum of 69400 and a minimum of 68100, an increase of 0.96%, and an amplitude of 1.9%. Yesterday, Bitcoin opened at 2648, with a maximum of 2759 and a minimum of 2635, an increase of 3.73%, and an amplitude of 4.66%. As described in the previous blog post, the market has many trends. ✅️Today's market analysis The market is steadily moving upward. Although it is not particularly strong, it is constantly testing pressure and trying to break through pressure. The current price of Bitcoin is around 69000, and the price of Bitcoin is around 2730. The intraday market is still fluctuating upward. Beware of plug-in behavior. The higher it goes, the greater the possibility of plug-in explosion contracts. Be more cautious in chasing long orders! Big cake pressure 69400/70000/71000

Support 68500/67800/67000

Second cake pressure 2770/2850/2900

Support 2700/2640/2550

It is recommended to place a low-level long order for intraday trading

✅️ Spot sector

The spot gains promoted in the past few days are all good, Api3 has won 60% spot income

The Ghst ambushed by the sniper team has a maximum spot income of 30%

Buy what you should buy, just hold it!

At present, it feels like a cottage with a general rise, and there are more or less increases

Unfi High Id spot continues to hold

Today 🦄 Sniper Team 🦄 Code

TNSR is currently around 0.4u

Belongs to the Sol ecological sector, Sol is strong, Tnsr is relatively bottom price, and is expected to rise greatly!
