Is there really a lack of opportunities in the cryptocurrency circle? Actually, it is not. What is lacking is your lack of knowledge of things. You can't find where to start at the moment; how to maximize the benefits when the market is active? How to avoid risks to the maximum extent when the market is weak? What to do when it is sideways? How to make a risk-free profit with a large volume? The idea is not clear, so what will greet you will only be chasing high and being trapped, the contract being blown up, and being laughed at for missing out!

Cutting in half, blowing up, and returning to zero are the real cryptocurrency warriors that cannot be defeated, but missing out can be. Missing out will infinitely magnify the fomo emotions, make you lose your mind, and appear various trading taboos, chasing high at the top of the mountain, frequently changing positions, so that the transaction is constantly deformed, and finally leaving only one sentence: tmd! ! Things are in the hands of people, and the important thing is people, not things. Since we are here to make money in the cryptocurrency circle, then all our actions should be practiced for the result of making money.

Clear ideas can make operations smoother; accurate and feasible goals will not cause fear and mental problems due to callbacks and washouts; reasonable position management will not increase panic even in extreme situations, because this is already expected.

No coin can rise straight after buying and selling. There must be all kinds of strange washouts to induce you to give up. Only by going through them can you reach your destination; so in trading, only by constantly reviewing and summarizing can you improve and optimize your trading. But there is a necessary premise, you must understand; there is no other way #美股财报季来袭 #特斯拉转移比特币 #特朗普家族加密项目 #BNB涨至600 #BTC要挑战7W大关了吗?