We cannot know where the peak will be in the rise we are experiencing today, but after the peak is reached, a long and boring decline that will last for a few months may be waiting for us. Therefore, if the rise continues up to $42,000, which is the next strongest resistance, some selling and a drop to the main support, $29,000, can be expected.

Due to the sudden rise experienced today, I think that decisions that will result in regret as a result of panic and excitement should not be made by saying "Bull Season has started, I missed the Bull, I must buy immediately". When we look at the past Taurus Seasons, the halving occurs, and the Taurus Season occurs 1 year after the halving. Therefore, since the halving occurs in April 2024, this rise we are in is not a Bull Season, but an intermediate rise within the Bear Season. I think the next Taurus Season will start at the end of 2024, and we will experience a roaring Taurus Season in 2025.

I would like to thank everyone who valued my thoughts and analysis and read this far.