🔴SHORT Position - Pair LQTY/USDT🔱Entry - 2.08🚀TP1 - 1.75🔴Stop Loss - 2.2🔑Leverage - Cross 10XI am sharing this as a delayed signal, you can still join via market to ride the wave, but I advise you to get in via DCA or limit order as mentioned above.Technical Analysis:LQTY was pumping hard the entire day. I knew there was heavy resistance after the 2 USD price mark. I entered when I saw the price was struggling to climb. Already 90% in profit but still looking for the TP.

Join my free telegram signals for up to date analysis and entries - https://t.me/+RNks00EdEHZjY2I0

#dyor #staysafe

Do your own analysis before entering. Follow for more info like this😀