The current ETH price is around 2620. Although there is a short squeeze across the board, the bulls have gradually weakened. At present, 2630/40 has become a resistance. At present, if there is no effective breakthrough by 8-10 am, there will be a wave of retracement around 2630. If it breaks through 2650, it will be in the 2710-2730 range. The key support price below is 2520-2500. As long as this price is maintained, you can still continue to chase long positions. The target is 2888-3050. In other words, there may be a short squeeze in the next two days (before the weekend). 2630-2500, 2650-2500, 2700-2500, and 2730-2500. These prices are all possible, so it is not easy to enter the market on the left side at present. If you really want to enter the market, just place it a little higher. If you hold 2500 in the next two days, it doesn’t matter if it consolidates on the weekend. Just hold the long position when you enter the market, and you can reduce your position midway.